About Me

Hi there! I'm Cara and I am your fellow sister in Christ! I am passionate about Jesus, His word, and His creation (this includes YOU!). It is what inspires my art and my mission here on this earth. I've found so much healing and all I want to do is share what Jesus has done for me with everyone! If you want to know a little bit more about my journey, my art and my mission, keep reading:) Thanks for stopping by!

A Little Bit About My Journey

Jesus has poured His grace over me and has given me a tremendous amount of healing from a lifetime of shame, trauma, self-hatred, and loss and brought me back from the depths of the hell I was living in. I have learned more about who He is, who I am as His child and the authority He and His name carry over the darkness of this world. I am a walking miracle in more ways than one. I've also experienced miraculous and significant healing from over 50% of the symptoms I was facing from auto-immunity that were causing extreme loss of mobility, constant pain and degeneration, 9 surgeries, and countless procedures & PT. This healing happened just 3 days after I learned the authority of the name of Jesus and underwent deep spiritual healing.  I've also had bones miraculously healed and realigned before my eyes and so much more!

I have more healing that hasn't fully manifested YET. I still use a medical bed, have flare-ups from time to time, and deal with pain and mobility issues but I know in its appointed time, my Jesus will finish what He started!  I am here to tell you that my God is still the God of the impossible. I am His witness and I've seen it with my own eyes and bear witness in my own life and body. So, today, be encouraged my friend! That mountain in your life that's parading around like some impossible, immovable beast that cannot be moved is defeated in Jesus name!  If you are willing to fall into grace and lay it down, you will taste and see that the Lord is good! Our Jesus eats impossible for breakfast and moves mountains for lunch!

My Art & Mission

My art is inspired by my walk with God and what He has taught me and shown me. It's also a deep form of worship for me that allows me to connect with my Creator in such a unique and creative way. As I connect to Him, I see more as He sees and love more what He loves and I cherish it with all my soul.

I am constantly and forever a student in need of the Lord's guidance and correction, but even that has become so valuable to me. His Word is precious to me and I would be nothing without it. Every day, my greatest delight is to be with Him, to find hidden treasures in His word and look for His voice in all things. He is everywhere and He is teaching me to see it, hear it and find it.  I treasure these times together where I get to learn to be more like Him and see His transformation at work in me and in others. It is beautiful. It is freedom. It is powerful. It is LOVE.

That is my mission... to help others find what I've found and know the true character of our Father, our Savior and His Holy Spirit and the beauty found in that intimacy and unity with Them.